Sunday, January 26, 2020

Face Image Retrieval With Attribute Based Search

Face Image Retrieval With Attribute Based Search Implementation is the process of converting a new system design into operation. Implementation is the stage of turning the theoretical design into a working system. Therefore it is considered as most important stage in achieving a successful new system and in giving the user, confidence that the new system will work and be effective. It also entails careful planning, investigation of the existing system and it’s constraints on implementation, designing of methods to accomplish changeover and estimate changeover methods. Modules The project entitled as â€Å"Efficient Face Image Retrieval from Large Scale Database Using Attribute Based Search and Ranking† developed using Java and the Modules display as follows: Content based image retrieval Attribute based search Face Image Retrieval Modules Description Content-based image search Content-based image retrieval (CBIR), also called asquery by image content (QBIC) andcontent-based visual information retrieval (CBVIR) is the application of  computer vision  techniques to the  image retrieval  problem, that is, the problem of searching digital images  in large  databases. Present state-of-the-art solutions describe images using high-level semantic concepts which are promising for CBIR. CBIR system consists of several stages as follows: Image Acquisition: This stage acquires digital images from database. Image preprocessing: The image is first processed in order to take out the features, which portray its contents. This processing entails filtering, normalization, segmentation, and object identification. Like, image segmentation is the process of dividing an image into multiple parts. The output is set of important regions and objects. Feature Extraction: Shape, texture, color, etc are the features used to characterize the content of the image. Further these features are classified as low-level and high-level features. Here visual information is extracted from the image and collect them as feature vectors in a feature database. For every pixel, the image description is instigated in the form of feature value by means of feature extraction, later these feature values are used to evaluate the query with the other images during retrieval. Similarity Matching: Information of every image is stored in its feature vectors for computation process and these feature vectors are coordinated with the feature vectors of query image i.e. the searched image in the image database is present or not or how many are similar kind of images are exist or not, which helps in determining the similarity. This step involves the matching of features (e.g. shape, color) to yield a result that is similar to the query image. Resultant Retrieved images: This step investigates the earlier maintained information to find the matched images from database. It displays similar images having closest features as that of the query image. User interface and feedback: This step operates the display of results, ranking, and the type of user interaction with prospect of refining the search using some automatic or manual preferences scheme. Attribute based search However, the evolution of CBIR is overloaded by the semantic gap between the extracted low-level visual features and the required high-level semantics. Even if the images are annotated well through precise concepts, another disreputable gap still leads to unsatisfactory results. This gap is called the intention gap between the envisioned objectives of the users and the indefinite semantics delivered by the query, due to the lack of ability of the query to express the user’s objectives accurately. To bridge this gap, an approach called attribute based image retrieval is used. Here, attributes transfer properties that distinguish objects such as the visual appearances (e.g. shape, texture), functionalities and various other discriminative properties. On one hand, attributes acts as transitional semantics that clearly unites the low-level features and high-level concepts, leads to decline of semantic gap because attributes usually demonstrate general visual properties, which can be simply extracted and modeled contrast to high-level concepts that have higher visual inconsistencies. On the other hand, attributes improve active concept-based image semantic representation and offer more inclusive semantic descriptions of images. By using these attributes, users can allocate most important and accurate semantic description of images which leads to satisfactory results. Attribute detection has sufficient quality on different human attributes. Using these human attributes different applications like face verification, face identification, keyword-based face image retrieval, and similar attribute search have achieved promising results. Goal and approach of attribute based retrieval Previous techniques utilize descriptors on the image that capture global features like color, texture, frequency, etc. Images that have global descriptors return most similar images to query image but not correct matched images. The limitations of these methods are based on matching low-level features is that for many query images; they cannot perform retrieval in a satisfied way and methods based on local descriptors work only on objects. On other hand, methods that utilize global descriptors are not strong to most geometric transformations. In image classification and object recognition attributes are used to represent the images. An attribute has a name and a semantic meaning, but it is easy to recognize for a machine. Attribute names are like name, gender, race, etc. Attribute can be learnt automatically by image classification methods. The objective of this work is to use an attribute-based representation to restore or balance an image search engine. User will calculate various methods to compare attributes, including metric learning. Comparisons will be carried out on standard datasets. Then attribute-based retrieval will be combined with existing retrieval methods. Face Image Retrieval Current face image retrieval methods reach impressive results, but deficient to refine the search, mainly for geometric face attributes. Users cannot find faces easily with slightly more specific leftward pose shifts. To address this problem, a new face search technique is proposed that is complementary to current search engines. The proposed facial image retrieval model deals with a problem of searching similar facial images and retrieving in the search space of the facial images by assimilating (CBIR) techniques and face recognition techniques, by means of semantic description of the facial image. This aims to lessen the semantic gap between high level query requirement and low level facial features of the human face image, such that the system can be ready to meet human needs in description and retrieval of facial image. An efficient content based face image retrieval system is proposed to retrieve the face images. Attributes from face are used to further improving the retrieval performance. Finally inverted index is used in retrieval stage. It has applications in automatic face annotation, crime investigation etc. For large scale datasets, it is essential for an image search application to rank the images such that the most relevant images are sited at the top. This work analysed top results related to a query image with existing method. Experimental results shows that proposed method have better top results compared to existing methods. Experimental Setup Installation of JDK 1.6 and Tomcat Server JDK 1.6: Step 1: Double click on the JDK 1.6 setup file then we will get the following window. A window with License Agreement will be displayed. Then press â€Å"Accept† button. Step 2: Now a custom setup window will be appeared. Then Clickâ€Å"Next†to continue. Step 3: AProgresspanel will be appeared that takes a few minutes to go through the installation. Step 4: A custom setup window for Runtime Environment will be appeared. Then Clickâ€Å"Next† to continue. Step 5: A Progresspanel will be appeared that takes a few minutes to go through the installation. Step 6: When the installation is completed, clickâ€Å"Finish†to exit the wizard. Step 7: To set the environment variables for java, Right-Click mycomputer and click properties. Then, the below window will be appeared and Click Environment variables. Step 8: Now, click new in the System variables section. Step 9: After clicking new button, a box will appear containing with variable name and variable value. Give the variable name as â€Å"PATH† and variable value as the java bin file path. Step 10: Finally click OK. Now, we can successfully run java programs. Tomcat server: Tomcat is an open source web server developed by Apache Group. Apache Tomcat is the servlet container used in official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process. Web Servers support only web components while an application server supports web components as well as business components. To develop a web applications with jsp/servlet install Tomcat. A web server is, of course, the program that dishes out web pages in response to requests from a user sitting at a web browser and returns vibrant results to the user’s browser. This is an aspect of the web that Apache’s Tomcat is very good at because Tomcat provides both Java servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP) technologies. Ultimately Tomcat is a good option for many applications as a web server. Step 1: First double click on the Apache Tomcat setup file and then click Next button. Step 2: Now a window with License Agreement will be displayed as above. Then press I Agree option. Step 3: Now select type of the install as Full and then click on Next. Step 4: Now select the destination where the Tomcat has to be installed and click on Next. Step 5: Now set the configuration, connector port as 8081 and set the username and password as admin and click on Next. Step 6: Now a window with Java Virtual Machine will be displayed and click Install option. Step 7: Now the window with installation process will be displayed and might take few minutes. Step 8: Select the Run Apache Tomcat option and click on Finish. Setting the Java Environment Variable: Here are the steps for setting the environment variable on mycomputer. These steps are similar for all windows. Open the control panel under the start menu. 1. Double-click on System. 2. Click on the Advanced tab. 3. Click on the Environment Variables button. 4. Under System Variables, click on the New button. 5. For variable name, type:JAVA_HOME 6. For variable value, type:C:j2sdk1.4.2_01 7. Continue to click OK to exit the dialog windows. Now set the following in Variable and value: 1. Variable name: CLASSPATH; Variable value: C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 6.0bin; C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 6.0libservlet-api.jar; C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 6.0libjsp-api.jar; 2. Variable name: PATH; Variable value: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_21bin; and then click on OK. Now for checking whether the Tomcat has installed successfully or not, open the browser and type http:/localhost:8081/. If it is installed successfully the following page will be displayed. After clicking the Tomcat Manager then will ask to enter username and password. After clicking the login option the Tomcat Web Application Manager page will be displayed. Installation of MySQL and SQLyog MySQL is definitely the most admired and widely-used open source database, simple to set up and use and is recognized as one of the fastest database engines. Manual installation offers several benefits: Backing up, reinstalling, or moving databases can be achieved in seconds. MySQL can be installed anywhere, such as a portable USB drive. MYSQL installation steps: Step 1: Download MySQL FollowMySQL Community Server,Windowsand download the â€Å"Without installer† version. Step 2: Extract the files install MySQL to C:mysql, so extract the ZIP to C: drive and rename the folder from â€Å"mysql-x.x.xx-win32†³ to â€Å"mysql†. MySQL can be installed anywhere on your system. If lightweight installation is needed then remove all sub-folders except for bin, data, scripts and share. Step 3: Move the data folder (optional) placing the data folder on another drive or partition is recommended to make backups and re-installation easier. For example, create a folder called D:MySQLdata and move the contents of C:mysqldata into it. Now two folders are there, D:MySQLdatamysql and D:MySQLdatatest. The original C:mysqldata folder can be removed. Step 4: Create a configuration file MySQL provides several configuration methods but, in general, it is easiest to to create a my.ini file in the mysql folder. There are several options to squeeze MySQL to exact requirements, but the simplest my.ini file is: [mysqld] # installation directory basedir=C:/mysql/ # data directory datadir=D:/MySQLdata/ Step 5: Test installation MySQL server is started by running the command C:mysqlbinmysqld.exe. Open a command box (Start > Run > cmd) and enter the following commands: Cd mysqlbin Mysqld This will start the MySQL server which listens for requests on localhost port 3306. Now start the MySQL command line tool and connect to the database. Open another command box and enter: cd mysqlbin mysql -u root This will show a welcome message and the mysql> prompt. Enter â€Å"show databases;† to view a list of the pre-defined databases. Step 6: Change root password MySQL root user is an all-powerful account that can create and destroy databases. In shared network, it is advisable to change the default (blank) password. From the mysql> prompt, enter: UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD(my-new-password) WHERE User=root; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Prompted the password for next time you start the MySQL command line. Enter â€Å"exit† at the mysql> prompt to stop the command line client, now shut down MySQL with the following command: mysqladmin.exe -u root shutdown. Step 7: Install MySQL as a Windows service The easiest way to start MySQL is to add it as a Windows service. From a command prompt, enter: cd mysqlbin mysqld install Open the Control Panel, Administrative Tools, then Services and double-click MySQL. Set the Startup type to â€Å"Automatic† to ensure MySQL starts every time pc is booted. Alternatively, set the Startup type to â€Å"Manual† and launch MySQL using the command â€Å"net start mysql†. Note that the Windows service can be removed using: cd mysqlbin mysqld –remove SQLYog Installation: SQLYog is a freeware and download it at: on â€Å"Download† in the SQLYog Community Edition (freeware). First click on SQLYog Community Edition 5.2(stable). A window is opened, asking what you want do.Choose â€Å"Record†. A new window will open and asking where you want to record this files.Make one click on â€Å"My documents† on the left, next click on â€Å"Record†. When download is finished choose â€Å"Execute† for launching the installation. If this window is not there then go to â€Å"My Documents† and make 2 clicks on the file that you have just downloaded. Then click on â€Å"Execute†. Installation of sqlyog: Step 1: After click on â€Å"Execute†, just click on â€Å"NEXT† button. Step 2: In this page about the licence, choose â€Å"I accept† button and click on â€Å"NEXT†. Step 3: Then asks where to record the program on computer. Choose a destination directory, and click on â€Å"Install† shown in below window. Step 4: Then click on â€Å"NEXT†. Step 5: Click on â€Å"Finish† for finishing the installation in the following window. Set SQLYog Step 1: When SQLYog is opened for first time set the program to which database you want to connect. For that, make 1 click on â€Å"New† button. Step 2: Enter a name for the connection. It is just about a means of differentiating a connection for a base to another, it is neither the identifier of connexion, nor the password. Step 3: Next, click on â€Å"OK†. SQLYog will open a connexion window to the database. Enter the following settings: MySQL Host Address: It is about the address on the network of server, either return an address IP or an address URL. If the server is on the same computer that SQLYog, put â€Å"localhost†. Username: It’s the username, corresponding to â€Å"id† of the user. For example: â€Å"root† Password: It’s the password associate to Username Port: it’s the port number using by MySQL. Default: 3306. Database: It’s the name of the database witch you want to connect to. If don’t put anything here, SQLYog will show the entire database on the server. After finished entering the information, test them by clicking on â€Å"Test Connexion† then click on the â€Å"Save† button for saving.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Economics case study Essay

(a) Explain whether health care is a private , merit or public care (b) Is health care a free good? Explain your answer (c) Does the quote from the doctor suggest that the market for healthcare is in equilibrium? Again explain your answer (d) Compare the effects of an improvement in the quality of product provided by the NHS and that provided by a private health care company (e) Explain 2 meanings of the word ‘efficiency’ (f) What is likely to happen to private sector firms which are not efficient? (g) In which market structure is information about best practice likely to be most freely available (h) Discuss the private and external benefits of health care. a) A public good is a good that is a benefit to society and is provided free of cost to society, usually by the government running the country. Theses goods are not provided by private companies and firms as they do not render profit, which thus leads to a market failure due to a lack of provision of public/merit goods. Examples for such goods are roads, streetlights, education, public libraries etc. NHS (National Health Service) is a public good and government organization. It is a service that is ‘free at the point of delivery’ because society pays for it indirectly through taxes. The NHS provides free healthcare to society, this is especially beneficial for the low income group sector of society thus making it a public good. The demand for this service is high, as healthcare is very expensive in the private sector. As the law of demand states that when the prices increase demand decreases. Here there is no actual price for the service thus the demand must be high. But sometimes this high demand creates a problem as the supply cannot be met; public goods are goods that do not render profits. And thus these organizations are run by government spending and may not really be updated with the best quality as they have a limit in their budgets. They do not have the quality of being efficient as they do not make profits from their services. b) A free good is good that is not scarce, has a zero market price and do not have any opportunity costs when consumed. The key word is opportunity cost. (***Free good is a term used in economics to describe a good that is not scarce. A free good is available in as great a quantity as desired with zero opportunity cost to society.) Opportunity cost is the cost of forgoing one opportunity for another. For example – A school has been given 10,000$ and it can either spend it on books and supplies or on a new gym. Thus the opportunity cost to build the gym would be the loss of not buying books and vice versa. An example for free good can be sunlight, air, salt water etc. Considering healthcare, it can be noted that healthcare does not fall into the category of free good. It is an economic good even a public organization like the NHS. As NHS is a government funded subject, it is actually just a free service at the point of delivery. The taxpayers pay for this good; therefore it does have a market value indirectly through taxes. And it is not a resource that is available all the time, thus making it limited and not scarce. As it is government funded, the government can choose to spend their money on something else instead of healthcare. Therefore there is an opportunity cost to providing healthcare. The government can may spend the same amount on public structures (roads, streetlights, traffic lights or on education etc). As provision of healthcare has an opportunity cost, it makes it an economic good and not a free good. (*** Economic good is a good that has an opportunity cost thus giving it a price and hence making it scarce.) c) The market for healthcare (pubic healthcare) is not in equilibrium as the doctor quotes†we just get more patients and we can’t cope with anymore†. Therefore suggesting that the supply cannot meet the demand and thus the market equilibrium is not met. Market equilibrium is when the market is in a stage where the demand meets the supply. For eg – In the figure below, we see that at price P1 the quantity Q1 is both demanded and supplied. Thus the market in equilibrium at the price P1 since the quantity of goods that people wish to buy at price Q1 is equal to quantity of the goods the supplier wants to sell at that price. This price P1 is also called as market clearing price, as everything produced is sold. The market thus remains in equilibrium. The healthcare sector (NHS) does not follow this structure of market equilibrium. The figure below shows the demand for healthcare in the private and public healthcare. This follows the demand laws that when prices increase then the demand for the good decreases as can be in seen in the demand for private healthcare services. Whereas the demand for public healthcare is very high as the price is very low or minimal. (Figure 1) Figure 2 – When the prices are low then the suppliers supply less of their goods. In the case of healthcare (public healthcare), the providers of this services may not be provide less of their services but the quality and efficiency may be less and improvements may not be made as they are Government organizations and do not have the funds to do so. Figure 3 shows that because of the low prices the demand for the service increases to Q2 and the healthcare providers can only provide services till Q*. More is being demanded than supplied, and thus there is a shortage as there is an excess of demand. Therefore the market equilibrium is altered as the supply does not meet the demand. d) Improvements in the quality provided by the NHS and the private healthcare company. The private sector’s main motive is to earn profit. Any private company or firm’s main goal is to earn profit. This can be done by having a large consumer base, thus to get achieve a large consumer base the firms continuously improve their services and are always striving for efficiency. Therefore an improvement in the private healthcare sector would not make a big difference as these firms are already always trying to provide better services to the consumers in order to make profits. Even though the prices are higher than the public sector people would with money would chose to a private clinic rather than a government healthcare facility, as it would be wiser for them to make use of the better healthcare facilities. If there are improvements in the public sector, the efficiency of the sector is improved and a lot more people would prefer going to public healthcare facilities rather than spending more money for the same service at a private clinic. The demand for the private healthcare services would decrease, and the firms would have to come up with innovative methods to restore their consumer base as a majority of the consumers would prefer paying less for healthcare for the same services provided by the private sector. The private healthcares may even have to shut down due to increasing costs in running their facilities and fewer buyers for their services thus decreasing the revenue they earn. There would be a producer loss for the private sector and a consumer gain for the consumers as they pay for good quality healthcare at a cheaper rate. But this would mean more government spending on healthcare to ensure that the new improvements continue. Or the government may increase the taxes, and thus the tax payers would have to pay more taxes in order for better public healthcare. e) Efficiency – getting any given results with smallest inputs or getting maximum output from minimum inputs Efficiency can be classified into 2 categories – * Efficiency in consumption ( Allocative efficiency ) * Efficiency in production ( Productive efficiency ) Allocating resources among consumers so that it would not be possible by any re allocation to make people better off without making anyone worse off is called efficiency in consumption. Allocative efficiency in simple terms can be put as â€Å"doing the right thing†. Defining Allocative efficiency – when there is no waste in resources in the production of goods, allocative efficiency is maximized. This occurs when there is 0 excess demand and supply in the market (S=D). For eg – when a firm produces 5000 flower pots but the market enables the firm to sell only 3500 then the resources have gone waste by producing the excess 1500 goods and there is an inefficiency in the allocation of resources as they could have been better allocated. The firm could have used the same amount of resources for something like fertilizers which would have had a higher demand. Therefore the allocative optimality occurs when the supply equals demand on the market. Allocating available resources between industries so that it will not be possible to produce more of some goods without producing less of others is called efficiency in production. Productive efficiency occurs when goods are produced at the lowest possible cost per unit, taking into account all costs arising. A firm is productively efficient when total use of resources (factors) result in the lowest possible cost per unit of output. This would be the point where average total is minimized. Productive efficiency means â€Å"doing things right†. In the healthcare sector being economically efficient as well as productively efficient is what the private clinics, hospitals etc aim for. To supply the maximum output at the cost of minimum inputs. f) Private firms that are inefficient would not be able to compete with other firms in a competitive market. If a firm is inefficient, the demand for the firm’s services and goods decrease and the firm’s consumer base will move on to another firm that does provide efficient goods and services. Or if a firm is allocatively inefficient then its resources go waste and it is unable to make the same revenue like it would have if it had used proper allocation of resources. Lack of productive efficiency would lead to the cost of production to be higher therefore the firm would suffer losses. Taking the 3 different situations in private healthcare – * Inefficient services and quality provided: would lead to the loss of customers and eventually revenue, and more competition from other firms. * Improper allocation of resources(spending): spending and wasting money on frivolous items such as curtains and dà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½cor rather than medicines and treatment facilities , the firm would have a decrease in revenue again as people would expect top quality services rather than fancy dà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½cor. * Costs of production and services > revenue earned = loss: the firm has spent a lot more on setting up the place and is not gaining maximum profits in return thus being productively inefficient. g) In a private structure information about best practice is likely to be freely available, as in public sectors there is not much incentive to improve techniques and skills. Whereas in the private sector the commercial organizations have an economic incentive to introduce better practices for both market leadership which leads to profits. Eg – 2 dentist clinics each one comes up with newer faster and high quality technology for braces such as clinic1 comes up with ‘invisible braces’ and clinic 2 to outdo clinic 1 comes up with ‘invisible painless clear fit on braces’ to form a larger consumer market. Whereas in public sector there would be no such highlight as there is no one to compete against and no economic incentive. h) Merit goods are goods that are beneficial to the society and include services like healthcare defense etc. The marginal social benefits in providing healthcare are greater than the marginal production costs. For this reason healthcare is normally left up to the government to provide in many countries as private sector owners find no profit making scheme through it. The private and external benefits of healthcare are many. * Society remains healthy * When society remains healthy then the major workforce remains fit as well * Provision of healthcare = public good, like the NHS makes it easily accessible to the low income society. * If the main workforce of a country has access to healthcare, the overall development of a country increases. * The government also encourages the use /consumption of this service, as it is beneficial for all. * The healthcare services provided, if of good quality, makes sure that everyone in society gets their vaccines, health checkups etc. Thus ensuring that everyone is stable and in a well fit environment. * These services are more beneficial for the lower middle and poorer section of society. The poor do not need to spend much of their little incomes and are assured of the basic services.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Oil Industry Good And Bad - 1418 Words

The Oil Industry Good and Bad Exxon Mobil Corp. is based in Houston, Texas. The company was created in 1999 through a merger of Exxon and Mobil. Both companies trace their roots back to Standard Oil, however, which was founded in 1870. Royal Dutch Shell was likewise created by a merger between Royal Dutch Petroleum of the Netherlands and Shell Transport Trading of Britain. The company has annual revenue of over 400 billion dollars. BP was formerly known as British Petroleum, a name it had used since 1954. BP is based in London and has annual revenues of over 300 billion dollars. Sinopec and China National Petroleum are state-owned corporations run by the Chinese government. Saudi Aramco is likewise owned and operated by the Saudi Arabian†¦show more content†¦Perceive how programming, sensors, process computerization and information investigation can help fuel proficiency over the production network, while enhancing dependability in oil and gas operations. The changing oil industry peak oil’ is proving a misleading idea. The foreseeable problem is not finite resources but the rate at hicks these very large resources can be converted into reserves for potential production. Reserves of oil and gas have each more than doubled since 1980 – faster than the increase in production. Technologies are developing which are creating new reserves of ‘unconventional’ oil, as they already have for gas. These technologies have more places to go, many of them outside the existing oil-exporting countries. These new areas are opening a field of growth for private-sector companies which was not foreseen a few years ago. The companies also still have opportunities for collaboration with state companies, in half of the world’s oil reserves, provided they meet each country’s terms and conditions and bring technology to complement the state company’s own resources. In some countries whose economies depend on oil exports, expansion of production is problematic, because their governments may choose to keep oil in the ground for future production, while gaining time to diversify their

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Timothy B. Tyson s Radio Free Dixie Robert F Williams...

Timothy B. Tyson is a teacher, historian, research scholar, and an award-winning author. Tyson was born in North Carolina in 1959 and was raised there his whole life. In 1987, Tyson earned a B.A. at Emory University and then his Ph. D in history at Duke University in 1994. He also became an assistant professor of Afro-American Studies at the University of Wisconsin -Madison the same year he received his Ph.D., and later became a full-time professor. Tyson currently stays in Madison, Wisconsin with his wife Perri and their two children, and serves as a Senior Research Scholar at Duke University for Documentary Studies. Tyson has also received many book awards such as the John Rawley Prize and the Frederick Jackson Turner Prize for one of†¦show more content†¦Tyson mentions white supremacy, and how it helped Robert Teel and his two sons get out of the jury with a slap on the wrist. In addition, Tyson also provides interviews with local citizens many years after the trial and asks them about what has changed in Oxford since then. Tyson intended to write this autobiography to go in depth about civil rights and to also educate the readers more about Afro-American studies. One of the points that Tyson brings up is the persecution whites who supported civil rights. Tyson mentions in the book that he and his family were forced to move because of their support for the Civil Rights Movement. This was the main reason why they got kicked out of Oxford and other towns in North Carolina, prior moving to Oxford. The Southern States were still segregated even after the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 was passed, which outlawed all discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or origin. Some states in the South neglected this law and remained segregated. Tyson mentions being persecuted when he says, â€Å"Even as a little boy, I already knew somehow that the Tysons were not always part of white newspaper editors of the day called â€Å"the South† †¦ I suppose they never stopped to consider that black people might be Southerners.† (Tyson 18) Whites who supported civil rights or black people in any way were considered as traitors by other white people. Interracial relationships were one of the aspects that Tyson talks aboutShow MoreRelatedBibliographic Essay on African American History6221 Words   |  25 Pageshave made fulfilling such a responsibility less daunting than ever. Invaluable references, including Darlene Clark Hine, ed. Black Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia 2nd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004); Evelyn Brooks Higgingbotham, ed., Harvard Guide to African American History (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001); Arvarh E. Strickland and Robert E. Weems, Jr., eds., The African American Experience: An Historiographical and Bibliographical Guide (Westport: Greenwood Press